(SUNDAY AUGUST 14, 2011. 2:30 PM)
Gwe was born in Stone Age New Guinea.
Alan was born in New York City.
This is their story and the story of Gwe's people.
a novel against racism
by Arnold Perey, PhD
Aesthetic Realism Consultant
YOU'LL TAKE A TRIP TO THE HEART OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA, to the mountains, peaceful and turbulent, where Gwe lives. You'll experience, as close to you as your fingertips, an ancient culture, real people, and real events. The anthropology of this book is authentic.
We invite you to a new understanding of the human self as you meet Gwe, his relations, his
enemies, and Alan, the anthropologist who lived with them. Aesthetic Realism, the philosophy
founded by the great poet and educator Eli Siegel, is that understanding. It explains: There is a
fight in every person between respect for the world and contempt for the world. From the desire for
contempt arises the cruelty of humanity, including racism. From the desire to respect come the
seeing of people's feelings as real, and justice, fairness, compassion.
The author says:
Thanks to this education, I began to understand the people of New Guinea more exactly
by far than when I was living amongst them. I began to realize how alive the people
were, how their flesh, like mine, contains a heart that can beat slower or faster with
emotion; that I had the same feelings they did.
Reading: Arnold Perey, Anne Fielding & Bennett Cooperman
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